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What we believe and speak in Total Pack & Packaging is quality and satisfaction of our customers. From a single straw to our largest jumbo stretch film roll, each product is made from high quality virgin resin. We do not use any less amount of material than requirement, infact our moto is using more to make a better long lasting product. Each food item is free from skin contact. We ensure our labors use disposable hand gloves and caps before touching and food grade item. Our straws have been certified food grade and high quality by Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.


Ever since TPP has entered the market, we have been appreciated and trusted for maintaining consistency of our product and service. We never say no to any customer and each customer irrespective of their order lever is important to us. Out technical team and sales team works day and night to meet the customization of order and to keep the product same every time.


What gives us the most competitive advantage in the Bangladesh market is the value for money we provide. We make sure our quality and service justifies the price asked by us.